Monday, November 17, 2014

Thank you...US / Canada...this is the end...

Our stay in North America is now over...only one more little day to go...

We will leave for Peru on Wednesday morning.
It was an incredibly pleasant journey throughout Canada and the United States.

A big thank to those of you :
- who took some days off especially for us
- who drove from Montreal down to a trip !!!
- who toured us around showing the most exciting places (Chicago Willis Tower was one of those !!!)
- who fed us all day long (breakfast, lunch, midafternoon dinner, dinner, night we need to go on a diet :D )
- who prepared us comfortable beds and rooms
- who arranged for Pauline to go to High School (it was an amazing experience for her!)

We are really glad we finally made it to Wisconsin and Canada (love you cousins, aunties and uncles !!!) despite the many times we have been visiting the US in the past...and really glad we could spend some time with you all.

Glad also to see our Springsfield friends again and for the nice guitar duet on Hey Jude with Rith and Ratana.

After coming back to Dallas (after visiting Louisiana, Houston and San Antonio) we stayed a week in Boney's house in order to :
- allow Pauline to catch up with her on line courses
- finalize our 3 weeks trip to Peru

Thank you so much Boney for letting us mess your house up for almost nearly a month in total !

We however made a short visit to Austin (3 hours drive from Dallas) but it was a quick one as it started to freeze in Texas 2 days after we arrived from San Antonio.
It is now time we move further south to seek higher temperatures...

After Peru we actuelly will be returning to the US but in the West part (Los Angeles and Las Vegas) but that is too far to come and annoy you again :p

Don't forget to visit us in France whenever possible !!
But please wait until we are back there, that is to say..... not before Mid august 2015 :)

Thank you again and big hugs to all of you !!!


  1. vous etes beaux!!!!vous nous manquez!!gros bisous
    mon sak ta soeur preferee(lol) te fais des tapes sur ta tete!!

    1. Merci ma soeur. J espere que vous allez bien. Gros bisous

  2. Au moment ou j'écris il est 1h30 du matin et nous sommes mercredi ... j'ai une grande pensée pour vous 4 qui allez pourvoir poursuivre votre route ...
    Merci pour vos photos et vos récits et continuez à nous faire rêver ...

  3. Bon voyage vers le Pérou . Ouvrez grand vos yeux et vos oreilles :-) , bisous
